Latest works are on flickr. Please check it.
ビーグル (beagle)
ムフロン (mouflon)
まるはなバチ (bumblebee)
ハクトウワシ (bald eagle)
花潜り (flower chafer)
カナブン (drone beetle)
野の花 (wildflower)
猫 (cat)
ねずみ (rat)
オトシブミ (attelabidae)
Penguin G
Penguin Y
蛸 (octopus)
たいさんぼく (evergreen magnolia)
たんぽぽと、犬 (dandelions and a dog)
ワオキツネザル (ring-tailed lemur)
I wish I could read your blog/characters. Could you start putting sizes on your work? And notification of whether they are for sale. They are Fabulous!!!!!
返信削除Hi, I love your works, in particular the Cat, it's wonderful. Is it for sale? Thank you.